Monday, March 16, 2015


This week we had so much Asian food!!!!! Yum! :) And I’m exploring the world of food!! I know... crazy. I didn’t know what to get at some of the restaurants so I just pointed at a random one and it ended up being pretty dang good!! :) I am so proud of myself! I am growing up to be a big Sister!! Let’s just hope this trend stays with me throughout my life and not just my mission ;) 

It has gotten pretty warm here!! All the snow is starting to melt off the side walks now! So I was able to wear my flats again instead of my boots!! It feels nice to wear something different for a change! We actually had a lesson outside on a recent-converts porch yesterday! :) Its still only around 3 degrees but it is a lot better then the -20 we were having before!!! 

So Yifan is progressing in the gospel so well! He participates in class all the time and has such good insights!! We are preparing him to go back to China. It is so fun watching him progress so much! He truly was so prepared by the Lord! Our new investigators from last week came to church as well!! :) It was so much fun!! They are like the best people ever!! :) They make me laugh so much! We had a good ol' time! We had a lesson with them later last night and they know Sister Gillins a little too well.. They gave us ice cream!!!!! They give a treat every time we come over!! She was like you can’t go! If you go I'll just be giving your treats away to the other sister!! She's trying to make me jealous!! But I love them!! Last night we had a good question and answer night with them! They are so wonderful and opened minded!! 

I have such a great love for this place. I love being a missionary with all my heart! There are up's and down's and all arounds, but when you really stop and think and remember why you are out serving the Lord it makes things all better again. There is nothing like helping my brothers and sisters have the peace and joy I have felt through the gospel! 

Oh!!! I got to hold brand new baby bunnies!!! They are so stinking cute! They haven't even opened their eyes yet!! They have the cutest little ears and tails!! :) But the one I held went to the bathroom all over me!! This is the second time that has happened in this area!! I thought animals liked me... but nope. At least this time it didn't get all over my clothes and I was able to wash it off right away :) 

Oh man! We also had this awkward moment when we almost met with the elders investigator!! oops... We had a former that we called and set up an appointment with. We showed up and I just had this feeling that it was one of the Elder’s investigators... but we went up to the door anyways. She ended up being asleep so we couldn't come in. I went to call the Elders after that happened to ask if it was their investigator and they pulled up right next to our car to go to an appointment with the same lady at the same exact time!! Awkward!! But all is well now and we know who belongs to who!! :) 

I hope y'all have a great week and God be with you until we meet again!! 
Sister Gillins 

Oh my kinder egg surprise gave me a wolf!! So my prediction for transfers is that I am getting sent up north to teach the wolves :) 


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